A Life Cut Short; The Untimely Death of Alf Granholm


Sometimes life has a way of imposing an unusual cruel irony on some of us. We try to figure it out the best we can, but life does not let us, leaving us wondering why things sometimes happen. Sometimes there is no answer and we are left wondering why. I think we are destined to look within ourselves to search for the answer. Was this God’s doing, was this karma, or perhaps just an unfortunate accident under no one’s control?

Sometimes the answer is within our own beliefs we harbor within our hearts. Perhaps if something happens to a bad person we say that he had it coming to him. But why do things sometimes happen to good people? We just do not know.

Sometimes life has a way of imposing an unusual cruel irony on some of us. We try to figure it out the best we can, but life does not let us, leaving us wondering why things sometimes happen. Sometimes there is no answer and we are left wondering why. I think we are destined to look within ourselves to search for the answer. Was this God’s doing, was this karma, or perhaps just an unfortunate accident under no one’s control?

Sometimes the answer is within our own beliefs we harbor within our hearts. Perhaps if something happens to a bad person we say that he had it coming to him. But why do things sometimes happen to good people? We just do not know.

The answer is elusive but may come down to how we feel about the person. Maybe the answer is only within our own minds. We answer the question of why, within our own minds; the question is then answered internally rather than externally. So the question of “why” to my brother Alf’s untimely death is then within us individually. We ask the question, but we also have the answer. So we mourn and remember him, Alf. Read “A Life Cut Short; An Untimely Death.” Alf was also an accomplished painter as well. See an appropriate epithet and painting, submitted by Lars, “the end of the journey of a direct descendant of the early Vikings, our brother Alf Granholm.”


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